
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Climax of Coping: The Harms of Porn Dependency

Just to say it from the get-go: there is absolutely nothing wrong with pornography. It may be a very taboo topic for some people but the discussions surrounding it are very necessary and relevant, especially in our day and age. While pornography and sex education, in general, isn't 100% normalized, the current era of humanity we're living through is the most liberal yet and makes discussions on this previously taboo topic more accessible than ever. In a local context, the Philippines is still trudging through conservative or even "outdated" views on a lot of things, though pornography and sex education is certainly one of them. The lack of discussions surrounding these in the Philippines has caused a significant amount of teenage pregnancies (Gita-Carlos, 2021), among other issues rooted in our country's conservative nature. However, I'll be focusing on the pornography aspect of this issue for this blog post since sex education is a more general view on the to

The Power in Knowing and Knowing Your Power

In an era of endless content quite literally at our fingertips, how do we discern what's not knowledge? To quote Bo Burnham's song, Welcome to the Internet , the internet is "a little bit of everything all of the time." There are millions of exchanges happening online at any given time and we cannot possibly fact-check or ensure that everything available isn't misleading or malicious. To cut to the chase, what really is knowledge? How does something get labeled as knowledge? F or me, I would consider knowledge to be anything that gives a person insight on a certain issue that is occurring that can be proved in a tangible way. While this seems very textbook-sounding, I believe that considering information with no ill-intent as knowledge can lead to many loopholes or is too vague a statement to properly distinguish between knowledge and information. Knowledge, for me, can also be statements that provide positive and meaningful contributions to any exchange being do

Sincerely, Me

Hello all! I'm Lara Flynn S. Gonzaga, but I prefer being called Flynn . I'm 19 years old and currently residing in Taytay, Rizal. At present, I am a grade 12 graduating Senior High School student studying under iACADEMY's Graphic Illustration program. As of April 2022, I'm a proud intern at Rocketsheep Studios and illustrator for Love, Girls online zine! Interests and Hobbies I enjoy art in all of its forms and aspire to try every art form I can! My most distinct artistic hobbies are drawing, make-up, knitting, and crocheting. I also enjoy analyzing artworks for their histories and meanings. I briefly had a passion for musical theatre and music in general, though my unfortunate singing voice made me simply enjoy the art form as a viewer; thankfully, I don't need to sing when I try playing various musical instruments such as the ukulele! My hobbies outside of the arts include cooking for my friends, playing video games, collecting tarot cards and plushies, being out